19 Aug., 2013 | Blog, Design Thinking, Workshop
Design Thinking Action Lab | NovoEd
This online course was developed as part of Epicenter’s efforts to infuse entrepreneurship and innovation into undergraduate engineering education. Engineering students will be able to apply these design thinking tools and skills to enhance their technical education. Faculty will have the opportunity to join a dedicated discussion group on how to incorporate new online learning resources into their teaching practices. Learn more about Epicenter at http://epicenter.stanford.edu. Sign up for the Epicenter newsletter for updates on programs and opportunities for engineering students and faculty at
17 Juli, 2013 | Blog, Design Thinking, Event, Workshop
Design thinking group at his first working week meetup
Um an diesem sehr spannenden 5-wöchigen lab-course teilnehmen zu können, habe ich die >München Design Thinking Group< auf meetup gegründet.
6 Leute, die in München leben und von dem course gelesen hatten, haben sich zusammengefunden und die ideale Voraussetzung für eine DT Projekt entstehen lassen:
spread of diversity ! –>
- IT Product manager
- Media Design Master
- Product design engineer
- Graphic design specialist
- Visual facilitator and Illustrator
- Architect.
im Alter von 24-50
Wir sind in der 2. Work-Woche, es macht unheimlich Spaß, ist maximal kreativ und ideensprundelnd. Der beste Weg etwas zu lernen: Just do it!
4 Juli, 2013 | Blog, Design Thinking, Workshop
I founded the group „München Design Thinking Group“
München Design Thinking Group (München) – Meetup
we´ll start our Lab Course
supported by IDEO and Stanford University on July, 10th
If you´re interested and you live in Munich…we have only few „seats“ left…